It’s debatable whether this was just the result of a lazy script or to make sure nobody outshines Vin Diesel. They’re not allowed to emote too much or escape outside their expected arcs. All the characters simply fulfill these roles more by script than by character. Rose Leslie is a witch turned witch hunter. Elijah Wood is a witch hunter apprentice. Diesel plays a witch hunter for the modern age. There’s not much a story to this tale that comes straight from the Vin Diesel action factory.

But couldn’t you kill them a third and fourth time? Wouldn’t you just be infinitely killing your enemy? And wouldn’t it get boring by the 250th kill? But now I’m over-thinking the sloppy writing of a forgettable shlock. When Diesel has his immortal prey on the ropes, he remarks that the best part of his enemy being immortal is that he can kill them twice. Some of those one-liners even seem bafflingly laughable. He hunts magical beings, shouts in faces, punches some faces, wields a big sword and rattles off ridiculous one-liners. Vin Diesel’s supernatural action picture The Last Witch Hunter is very Vin Diesely if you catch my drift. Commentary with Director Breck Eisner More like The Last Witch Hunter.Commentary with Director Breck Eisner BBFC: Release Date: Run Time: 106 minutes Languages: English DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 Subtitles: English Hard of Hearing Formats: Pal Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 2.40:1 Colour: Colour BLU-RAY Regions: B Bonus:.Deleted Scenes: Fear Potion, ELlic's House.The Last Witch Hunter Sizzle Reel / Paint It Black.Before Mankind, The Witch Lords, The Witch Hunter, Witches Live Among Us Animated Short Films - The Origins of the Axe and Cross.Crafting the Magic: The Last Witch Hunter.BBFC: Release Date: Run Time: 102 minutes Languages: English Subtitles: English Hard of Hearing DVD Regions: Region 2 Formats: Pal Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 2.40:1 Colour: Colour Bonus: